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Master of International Business

Expand your global business perspective and leadership capabilities to navigate the complexities in the interconnected world of international commerce.

MIntlBus(Curtin) – MC-MOIB


Curtin University’s Master of International Business was ranked as the top 4 International Management program in Australia by the prestigious Eduniversal Masters Ranking in 2022.

International businesses operate in an environment that is increasingly complex due to unprecedented interconnection and integration of the global economy despite national differences. This creates pressures for managers to plan and respond effectively and appropriately to challenges and capitalise on opportunities presented by the environment and its dynamic development.
This course prepares global leaders in understanding developments, issues, and complexities in the field of international business and management. This course enables global leaders to gain the knowledge and expertise needed in making effective and responsible decisions in managing global operations sustainably.
With a specific aim to develop globally responsible leaders, the MIB is practice-driven and underpinned by the United Nation’s Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME). Its innovative curriculum design and delivery applies theory to contemporary business case studies and incorporates work-integrated learning. Students also demonstrate their expertise and command of knowledge through authentic assessment, peer-to-peer learning, and collaboration with industry professionals.

What you’ll learn

  • Engage critically and reflectively with contemporary knowledge and skills relating to international business and apply to professional practice.
  • Make evidence-based judgements, ethical, and culturally aware decisions through sophisticated evaluation and synthesis of information from a range of credible sources.
  • Communicate professionally and effectively, through written and oral means, to culturally diverse stakeholders and teams locally and globally.
  • Consider environment, responsibility, and sustainability in doing business locally and globally.
  • Employ international business and management skills to design innovatively and engage responsibly with industry partners and stakeholders.

Course Structure

Credits needed to graduate: 200.
Each unit is 25 credits unless stated otherwise.

Trimester 1

Trimester 2

Admission Criteria

  • This 8-unit MIB is structured for applicants with ANY degree and industry experience (2 years working in an assistant or deputy manager and above position).
  • A Graduate Certificate in Business Fundamentals is recommended for students without work experience, which will serve as a pathway into the MIB.

Fees and Charges

Tuition fee Fee before 9% GST Fee including 9% GST
Total tuition fee S$23,600 S$25,724

Professional Recognition

Graduates of this course in Australia and internationally may be eligible for membership of the Academy of International Business.

Career opportunities

Graduates generally find employment in the intermediary managerial level with companies with an interest in or focus on international activities.

How to apply

Domestic applicants

Domestic applicants

Application information for Singapore citizens, permanent residents, and working pass holders.

International applicants

International applicants

Application information for international students who require a student’s pass to study in Singapore.

Apply via an agent

Apply via an agent

You can apply directly to Curtin Singapore or go through a registered agent.