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Master of Advanced Practice

Advance your healthcare career with elevated clinical expertise and leadership in diverse clinical settings.

The Master of Advanced Practice aims to develop graduates who possess a combination of knowledge and research skills applicable to industry. This course is designed to allow specialisation in Clinical Leadership and Wound and is suitable for those who wish to extend their existing knowledge of a discipline.

Master of Advanced Practice Specialisation

What you’ll learn

  • Apply discipline knowledge, principles and concepts in accordance with relevant practice codes, standards and legislation
  • Apply critical thinking and reflective practice to clinical practice to generate innovative solutions
  • Access, evaluate and synthesise information relevant to clinical leadership and the promotion of optimal outcomes for clients
  • Communicate effectively and work collaboratively with clients, carers, families, communities and the interdisciplinary health care team
  • Utilise technology safely and appropriately for the diagnosis and management of clients
  • Participate in research and critically appraise research findings and incorporate evidence based knowledge into clinical practice
  • Relate policy, practices and standards to international trends
  • Demonstrate cultural competence in the care of all clients, families and communities
  • Demonstrate professional, legal and ethical accountability within the scope of practice for safe health care delivery

How to apply

Domestic applicants

Domestic applicants

Application information for Singapore citizens, permanent residents, and working pass holders.

International applicants

International applicants

Application information for international students who require a student’s pass to study in Singapore.

Apply via an agent

Apply via an agent

You can apply directly to Curtin Singapore or go through a registered agent.