The Diploma of English for Academic Purposes provides direct entry to pathway, undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Curtin Singapore. Students are taught at Curtin Singapore Campus and have full access to campus facilities.
The Diploma consists of four 13-week units: one General English unit and three Academic English units.

General English
The General English course prepares students wishing to improve their all-round English language with real-world English skills that they can use anywhere; as well as prepare students for the Academic English units.
Study skills developed include:
You will focus on the basic elements involved in English communication, i.e. the macro skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) and the language systems (vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation). You will also be prepared to progress on to the Academic English units.
Course assessments
You will be assessed on a continuous basis through a combination of progress tests, speaking and writing tasks and participation. You must pass with an overall grade of 60 per cent.
- Speaking tests: 20%
- Writing tests: 20%
- Reading tests: 20%
- Listening tests: 20%
- Language awareness tests: 20%
Academic English
The Academic English courses provide direct entry to pathway, undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Curtin Singapore.
Study skills developed include:
- Academic study and assessment skills – You will be taught critical thinking, research techniques, exam skills and how to avoid plagiarism.
- Academic writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills – You will learn how to plan and write Australian-style academic texts such as research reports and essays. You will be taught how to read for context and expand your vocabulary, and also learn how to plan and deliver an academic seminar with appropriate grammar and vocabulary. You will also learn how to take notes in lectures and summarise the meaning.
Course assessments
You will be assessed through a combination of examinations and assignments including, writing, reading, speaking and listening. You will also be assessed on work you do outside of class as homework throughout the 13 weeks. You must obtain at least a 55 per cent pass result in each assessment for Academic English 1 and Academic English 2 with a final overall score of 60 per cent. While for Academic English 3, you must obtain at least a 50 per cent pass result in reach assessment. Overall score required to progress from Academic English 3 depends on Curtin University or Curtin College program the student is joining. Diploma of Arts and Creative Industries program requires 50 per cent overall, Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology require 60 per cent overall, and Bachelor of Communications and post-graduate courses require 65 per cent.
How to apply

Domestic applicants
Application information for Singapore citizens, permanent residents, and working pass holders.

International applicants
Application information for international students who require a student’s pass to study in Singapore.

Apply via an agent
You can apply directly to Curtin Singapore or go through a registered agent.